Real Estate

Give your properties a competitive edge with Qloo’s unique taste data

Unlock the potential of every property by leveraging Qloo's detailed consumer insights for retail and multifamily spaces.

Use cases

Unlock the potential of every property by leveraging Qloo's detailed consumer insights for retail and multifamily spaces.

Real Estate - Pre-development planning

Pre-development planning

Incorporate hyper-localized consumer insights from Qloo into your pre-construction planning to ensure your developments attract the ideal occupants and customers.

Real Estate - Custom resident experience

Custom resident experience

Harness deep insights into residents’ preferences with Qloo, enabling property management teams to fine-tune marketing, enhance engagement, and improve retention.

Real Estate - Community offerings

Community offerings

Use Qloo to discover community tastes and trends, helping you create offerings that turn properties into cherished homes. Curate personalized resident events with pop-ups, brand collaborations, and local partnerships that speak to your residents’ tastes.

Real Estate - Retail & space planning

Retail & space planning

For mixed-use properties, Qloo identifies retailers that provide the amenities residents want, as well as the common space designs that match residents’ preferences.

Real Estate - Retail site selection

Retail site selection

Whether you’re a retail broker or represent a tenant, Qloo’s Taste AI can inform strategic site selection, ensuring ideal tenant-landlord matches that maximize foot traffic and sales potential.

Taste AI

Developing with Taste AI

Qloo's Taste AI leverages sophisticated machine learning to deliver precise insights into consumer behavior and preferences.

Built upon a comprehensive database with more than 575 million cultural touchpoints and trillions of behavioral signals, it operates with an unwavering commitment to privacy, adhering to GDPR and CCPA standards. The technology's ongoing learning process ensures that it adapts to changes in consumer trends, offering a reliable tool for personalization without compromising privacy.

Attracting an athleisure brand to Magnificent Mile

Qloo helped Clarion Partners quantify local shoppers' taste preferences and convince a leading athleisure brand it would be the perfect retailer for a location along Chicago’s famous Magnificent Mile.

Qloo’s affinity insights were incredibly valuable in helping our target retailer understand the potential of opening a store on North Michigan Avenue. The co-tenant analysis assisted them in prioritizing our location and now our leasing team is making it happen.

Scott Trafford
Scott Trafford
SVP, Asset Management at Clarion Partners
Attracting an athleisure brand to Magnificent Mile
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Elevate your property’s potential with Qloo’s precision insights