
Improve the truthfulness of your LLMs with Qloo's rich consumer taste data

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Key takeaways

  • The effectiveness of any AI strategy hinges on the quality and relevance of the data it uses; without accurate, comprehensive datasets, AI models can’t deliver their full potential in personalization and insight.
  • Qloo offers detailed intelligence around consumers’ tastes and preferences across various cultural categories, enhancing other AI solutions.
  • Qloo addresses common limitations of Large Language Models (LLMs) by providing truthful, real-world insights, enabling LLMs to generate accurate, personalized responses.
  • By integrating with existing AI tools, Qloo enhances customer engagement and marketing strategies with cultural intelligence, grounding AI strategies in truth.

Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into your strategy is no longer a futuristic idea—it’s now an essential part of business operations. From improving ad-targeting solutions to launching new products, leaders are facing more pressure than ever to incorporate AI solutions into everyday operations. Whether for internal workflows or customer-facing experiences, the challenge is not just to adopt AI, but to do so in a way that truly adds value. With so many AI tools available, finding the right solution can feel daunting. How do you sift through the noise to find a solution that aligns with your strategic goals?

That’s where Qloo comes in, offering something truly unique: deep insights into cross-category consumer tastes and preferences that move beyond traditional data analytics or any Large Language Model (LLM). Qloo maintains and analyzes over 575 million records of cultural entities and over 10 trillion consumer sentiment data points to deliver precise insights into global consumer preferences without relying on personally identifiable information (PII). By leveraging advanced AI technology to discover connections between different interests, Qloo bridges the gaps in our understanding of consumer behavior and paints a detailed picture of what consumers truly like.

Qloo isn’t just another addition to your AI toolkit—it’s the foundation, revealing the subtle tastes and preferences of consumers and enabling you to connect with them on a new level.

The role of high quality data in effective AI

The potential of AI is vast, with solutions ranging from automating tasks to creating richer customer interactions with chatbots. Yet the foundation of any AI’s effectiveness is the data it’s built upon. Not all data is created equal. If machine learning models are trained using outdated or skewed data, their output will reflect that.

Consider LLMs, a subset of AI gaining popularity due to their incredible creative abilities. LLMs are trained on massive amounts of text and are able to generate text based on patterns learned from the data. They’re fantastic storytellers, but their narratives can sometimes stray from reality. This is because they can’t yet grasp the context of the text they’re given, the true nature of the topics, or the purpose behind the information. As Satish Jayanthi, CTO and co-founder of Coalesce put it, “If there were LLMs in the 1700s, and we asked ChatGPT back then whether the earth is round or flat and ChatGPT said it was flat, that would be because that’s what we fed it to believe as the truth. What we give and share with an LLM and how we train it will influence the output.”

For example, if you ask ChatGPT, one of the most popular LLMs, where fans of the Sopranos like to eat, it will conflate the themes of the show with reality and suggest “classic Italian American restaurants” and “pizzerias.”

Qloo, on the other hand, is grounded in truth—powered by user behavior and drawing from structured, comprehensive databases. It doesn’t speculate based on thematic content but provides precise recommendations based on real user data and preferences.

Why settle for guesses when you can have access to accurate, data-driven insights into your audience’s true preferences? With Qloo, you don’t have to.

Understanding the Qloo advantage

Partnering with Qloo means more than access to a rich dataset—it’s about gaining a holistic view of consumer behavior across various categories. Many businesses are already using machine learning-powered data analysis to predict consumer behavior and make recommendations within their own domains. For example, Spotify’s accurate and clean data enables it to craft highly-curated playlists or artist recommendations, but its analytic power is limited to a single domain: music. Amazon can remind you that you may be running low on a product, but they can’t recommend a new restaurant based on your unique tastes and interests. Qloo, on the other hand, uniquely forecasts cross-category behaviors, offering privacy-first insights firmly grounded in reality that are indispensable for comprehensive market strategies.

Qloo revolutionizes personalization efforts, redefining how businesses interact with their consumers and offering a strategic advantage in a competitive landscape. Its compatibility with groundbreaking LLM technologies amplifies its impact. Although LLMs alone pose the risk of hallucination or ungrounded conjecture, when using GPT-like technology on top of Qloo’s structured databases, businesses can obtain answers rooted in data rather than guesswork.

By utilizing the Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) process, Qloo allows LLMs to retrieve accurate, real-time data outside of their pre-trained knowledge, ensuring responses are based on the most current and relevant information. This integration prevents the hallucination issues often seen in LLMs, leading to more reliable and personalized interactions. Qloo’s expansive databases serve as the retrieval source, enabling AI systems to generate content and recommendations that are not only impactful but also grounded in real-world consumer preferences and behaviors. Integrating Qloo with conversational AI platforms can also transform generic interactions into personalized dialogues, significantly enhancing customer experience and satisfaction.

Qloo enables businesses to anticipate their customers’ next move, not just in what they might want to buy or listen to next, but in how they want to feel and the experiences they seek. It’s about understanding your customers on a level that goes beyond transactions, making every recommendation feel personal and every engagement meaningful.

In short, Qloo is the key to unlocking a deeper connection with your customers, ensuring every touchpoint is informed, tailored, and impactful.

Elevating your strategy with Qloo

In today’s business world, staying ahead means understanding and anticipating consumer needs like never before. Integrating Qloo into your AI is an essential step for those looking to lead with insight and innovation. Qloo offers a unique blend of depth, accuracy, and cross-category intelligence that can turn ordinary customer interactions into extraordinary personalized experiences. As we move forward, embracing Qloo’s unparalleled insights means not just keeping up with the pace of change but setting it, ensuring your business remains at the forefront of the AI revolution while delivering the best possible experiences to your customers.

Ready to get started? We’d love to hear from you.

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